Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sunday 2nd March

Just watched the post that Tim put up on the classroom of the future. So many strands to this blended learning that I sort of knew about however hadn't thought about how they could be used. Gardner's multiple intelligence's aligned with the thinking on the "smart " slide and how our thinking needs to be expanded even more that I had realised. Today I will work out exactly with of the topics I am going to focus on ... back later well I have actually decided to focus on mentoring and buddying and in particular how to embed this into everyday culture rather then just having special roles. Today I am focusing on the ADDIE process particularly analysis and design. I found a good website with lots of ideas for instructional strategies and methods - you have to adapt as it is children centric however well worth a look - I'll put up on wiki if I can too. Yippee my analysis and design is up for all of you to pick over. Good luck with all of yours...

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